KENNER, La. (WGNO) – New Orleans Saints defensive lineman Junior Galette and his cousin were arrested on a simple battery charge Monday after a disturbance at Galette’s Kenner home, police said.
WGNO News Reporter Darian Trotter has details and reaction from sports fans.
Family members, friends, and legal advisers of Junior Galette were seen walking outside the Kenner lockup.
Inside, the 26-year old Saints outside linebacker sat charged with roughing up a woman at his home.
“It’s sad to hear, it really is,” an unidentified neighbor said.
It happened early Monday morning in the 4400 block of Rue de la Harbor, inside the Place Pontchartrain Subdivision.
It’s where detectives say the 22-year old Metairie woman was jumped by Junior Galette, and his 27-year old cousin Terrance Banks.
The victim told police she was Galette’s live-in assistant.
“She claims she’s been with him for about two years. She said they aren’t really involved in a relationship at this time, but she does everything for him. Cooks, cleans and whatever else he needs her to take care of,” Kenner Police Lt. Brian McGregor said.
Investigators say things turned physical when Galette asked her to leave and refused to give her money for a taxicab.
The victim claims the Saints player pushed her twice, and then both men teamed up to forcibly remove her from the home.
When officers arrived they found physical injuries.
“She was bleeding from her right ear. Her earring was ripped from her ear in addition to that she had some scratches to the right side of her face as well,” McGregor said.
Neighbors are saddened.
“I think the situation could have been avoided and I think they both could have been more civil and she should have listened to him and I think that he shouldn’t have used physical force,” Gabrielle Mayer said.
Some fans are hopeful that the incident doesn’t amount to another case of domestic-related violence involving an NFL player.
“That maybe it was just a misunderstanding. I really don’t know. I hope it’s not true.”
Junior Galette was arrested and charged with the crime of simple battery involving domestic violence; his bond was set at $600. He bonded out this afternoon.
Terrance Banks was also arrested and charged with the crime of simple battery, his bond was set at $300
Saints Senior Vice President of Communications Greg Bensel confirms that the team is aware of the arrest but would not elaborate any further.