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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) – April marks National Poetry Month in the U.S., which means fans of the art form are taking a moment to reflect on their favorite rhymes.

Writers in Louisiana celebrated the month with an event at The Louisiana Center for the Book in the State Library of Louisiana.

Louisiana Poet Laureate Mona Lisa Saloy hosted the Wednesday afternoon program, which was entitled, “Just Listen to Yourself: Louisiana’s Poet Laureate Presents Louisiana Poets.”

Saloy said, “What a thrill to welcome another group of fine poets to the Louisiana Center for the Book in the Louisiana State Library to celebrate National Poetry Month. We continue the long-standing tradition of the ‘Just Listen to Yourself’ program begun by our beloved Darrell Bourque, our forever Louisiana poet laureate.”

A total of nine local poets performed, including Ashanti Anderson, Hasan Atkins, Jack B. Bedell, Emmory Bridges, Ariel Francisco, Antira Jackson, Antione Lacey, Sha’Condria Sices-Sibley, and Samia White.

Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser spoke highly of the event, stating, “Louisiana Poet Laureate Mona Lisa Saloy has done a phenomenal job presenting this reading with some of the best talent our state has to offer. We are excited to welcome them to this year’s celebration of poetry.”

The Louisiana Center for the Book became an addition to the State Library of Louisiana in 1994, according to the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism. It was created to engage the public and help foster interest in literature.

The State Library’s next big literary event is The Louisiana Book Festival, which will take place in the fall. Visit for additional information.

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