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EL DORADO, Ark. (KTVE/KARD) — According to reports, a Camden man has been sentenced to serve approximately 18 years in an Arkansas prison after pleading guilty to Possession of Paraphernalia, Fraudulent use of a Credit Card, Theft of Property, Residential Burglary, and Theft of Firearm.

El Dorado News-Times reports that Joshua Lee Atchison of Camden, Ark. stole a Dodge Durango from a victim on September 12, 2020. During the incident, Atchison attempted to set the vehicle on fire by placing a rag in the gas tank and lighting the rag.

Atchison went on to admit that he stole a credit card, attempted to make a purchase at a clothing store, and burglarized a residence. According to reports, Atchison is also facing multiple felony charges in Union County due to a previous incident.

On June 2, 2020, a victim contacted deputies of the Union County Sheriff’s Office and advised that his company vehicle, along with a personal firearm, was stolen from a parking lot. Once authorities located the company vehicle at a residence in Ouachita County, deputies of the Ouachita County Sheriff’s Office began assisting with the case.

By the time Ouachita County authorities attempted to make contact with the stolen company vehicle, the driver led them on a high-speed chase on Highway 7. Once the driver crossed county lines, Arkansas State Police set out a spike strip that flattened tires on the stolen company vehicle.

The driver made it to a local store on Highway 167 before he abandoned the stolen company vehicle and was captured by authorities. Atchison was identified as the driver of the stolen company vehicle and he was charged with the following offenses:

  • Two counts of Theft of Property (Motor Vehicle and Firearm)
  • Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon
  • Fleeing in a Vehicle
  • Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card
  • Possession of Drug ParaphernaliaDriving on a Suspended License
  • Reckless Driving

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