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(ABC) – A Colombian law firm says two of their attorneys are filing a lawsuit, saying “the crown is an acquired right that cannot be taken away from us.”

Sunday night, Host Steve Harvey mistakenly announced “Miss Colombia” as the winner, and then corrected himself two minutes later, saying Miss Philippines was the rightful winner. Two days later, there are still claims that Miss Colombia should have won. There is even a petition gaining steam online, with more than 30,000 signatures. Perez Hilton, one of the judges, had this to say about the mess:

“Losing is the best thing that has happened to Miss Colombia, so in one sense, she truly is the winner. Although as a judge and looking at everything that happened, I see her posting on Instagram saying she is the true winner. There’s a reason — many reasons — why she didn’t win. Congratulations to Miss Philippines,” said Hilton.


Miss Colombia posted this photo on Instagram of her with the crown, before she was dethroned.. Saying “This moments will always be with me #missuniverse #misscolombia #backtoback Lo logramos COLOMBIA!” Her famous look-alike “Sofia Vergara” from modern family, also responded in support after the mishap, saying “A Queen Anyway.”

This morning hashtag, “The Crown Must Be Respected” is trending in Columbia. Along with memes of pageant conspiracy theories.