NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The New Orleans Police Department is investigating some recent instances of property damage caused by gunfire. They’re they latest cases to roll on the Wheel of Justice.
The most recent case happened Monday morning, Jan. 30, in the 6500 block of East Hermes Street. Police found a parked car that had been shot multiple times.
There’s a school near the shooting scene, but it was not placed on lockdown and there were no injuries reported from the gunfire.
The other case happened a week ago in the 3000 block of General De Gaulle in Algiers. The NOPD released security camera footage that shows a car pull into a parking lot. Then, four people get out of the car and begin firing in the same direction. But police said they were unable to determine what the gunmen were firing at. There were no injuries reported in this case either.
In October, police investigated a series of similar crimes when a gunman would drive into a neighborhood and begin firing randomly into homes and cars. Police made an arrest in that case, but the two most recent ones remain unsolved.
If you can help police with the Algiers or East Hermes Street investigations, call Crimestoppers at (504)-822-1111. You don’t have to testify in court or reveal your name, and you could be eligible to receive a cash reward.
So far, more than 460 people have been booked after their cases rolled on the Wheel of Justice.

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