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COVINGTON, LA (WGNO) — St. Tammany Parish will host two public meetings to help inform victims of recent flooding about recovery assistance available from FEMA.

The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) meetings will be Wednesday, March 30, at the St. Tammany Parish Council Chambers at 21490 Koop Drive in Mandeville and Thursday, March 31, on the 5th floor of the Towers Administration Building at 520 Old Spanish Trail in Slidell.

elevatedBoth meetings will run from 3:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon.

The main goal of the meetings is to help flood victims assemble the required documentation and complete the paperwork for FEMA grants to elevate homes and reduce future flood risks.

To help streamline the process, the parish released a suggested list of documents for property owners to bring to the meeting.

  • Copy of Driver’s License or State Issued Photo Identification of owner and co-owner of property
  • Copy of the current Flood Insurance Declaration Page
  • (Not required but recommended) Appraisal of property or Footprint to show square footage
  • (Not required but recommended) Elevation Certificate