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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) – A recent study found that Louisiana is in the top 10 states for the most cesarean sections.

Experts at Birth Injury Lawyers Group looked at National Center of Health Statistics data to find the rates of cesarean and natural births in each state. They counted the total number of cesarean and natural births from each state’s given rate and total number of births and ranked them from highest to lowest.

According to the data, the national cesarean rate in 2022 was 32.2% and 1,178,913 C-sections were performed in total.

Louisiana was ranked third in the states with the most C-sections. The study said the state had a cesarean birth rate of 35.5% in 2022 and experienced 19,914 C-sections out of 56,096 births.

Mississippi had the most C-sections in 2022 with a 38.5% cesarean birth rate. 13,324 out of 34,609 births were C-sections, according to the study.

Top 10 states with the most C-sections, according to Birth Injury Lawyers Group

  1. Mississippi
  2. Florida
  3. Louisiana
  4. Georgia
  5. Connecticut
  6. Rhode Island
  7. Texas
  8. Kentucky and Alabama
  9. Maryland
  10. West Virginia

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