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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — A marijuana club owner capitalized on a combination of pot and sex over the weekend.

A controversial cannabis sex party in Colorado Springs, Colorado continues to raise eyebrows. Jaymen Johnson, owner of Speakeasy Vape Lounge and Cannabis Club, insisted the unusual party he hosted was legal.

“More open relationships — exchanging of partners — stuff like that,” Johnson told KDVR.

People visiting the club usually spend their time rolling joints, smoking weed and playing video games. Saturday called for something a bit different.

Johnson said various groups have approached him over the past five years trying to find a way to mix pot with sex.

On Saturday, after Johnson said he checked with Colorado Springs officials on legality, the party happened.

“Everyone was completely respectful,” Johnson said.

Reaction on social media to the event was mixed. Many people expressed outrage and disgust.

Johnson said he gets away with hosting the group members and their “alternative lifestyles” because his business is considered a private club — one now considered a first-of-its-kind in Colorado.

Johnson said he’s happy to consider hosting more pot sex parties.