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LUTCHER, La – The question is, how do you make a heavy dream come true?

In some cases one pound at a time.

That’s the way it works for one particular team.

You have to have power to be on this team.  It’s the Girls Powerlifting Team at Lutcher High School in Lutcher, Louisiana.  And that’s in St. James Parish.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says the girls are perfect for an edition of  Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

Another question being asked around here, can the Lutcher High School Girls Powerlifting Team lift themselves into another state championship?

Fifteen-year-old Caitlin Cullen says, “I believe we can, that’s why we’re here this summer.”

Caitlin knows what she’s talking about, she’s been lifting weights since seventh grade.

As she heads into the eleventh grade, Caitlin can lift 275 pounds.

If you think it looks like another lazy Louisiana summer in Lutcher, Louisiana,  head over to the high school.

Around back in the gym, you’ll find the girls of summer lifting themselves into a new season.

The Lutcher High School girls are Louisiana State Powerlifting champions.

They are, in fact, twelve time state powerlifting champs.

Wild Bill Wood says, “twelve time state championships, don’t your arms get tired?”

Caitlin Cullen says, “I mean we’re on the team and we want another title.”

And it’s not just another state title,  three of the girls are going global by heading to the World Powerlifting Championship.

On the “A” team is the girl they call “Q”.  At 106 pounds, she can lift almost 400 pounds.

Wild Bill says, “how does it feel to be one of the strongest people on earth?”

“Q” says, “I can’t describe it, it’s tingly.”

Nobody would be going for the gold without the man they call Coach Don.

He’s Don Magendie.

He says, “the secret to our success is work, they’re going to work more weeks than they’ll take off.”

The girls from Lutcher head to the World Powerlifting Championship in September.

It’s in South Africa.