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METAIRIE, La – They are architects.

They are artists.

They create their own worlds with LEGOS.  There are just seven of them in the world.

One of them is in town right now.

He’s Chris Steininger from Massachusetts.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is at Lakeside Mall in Metairie, Louisiana where the this LEGO master builder is building from LEGOS at the new LEGO Store.

If you wonder where the name LEGO comes from, from the same place LEGOS come from.


LEGO is a Danish word.

It combines a couple of words, “leg” and “godt” which mean play well.

That’s what these creators are doing in the middle of the mall with their Legos.

They are really playing well with LEGOS which got started almost 80 years ago.