This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

THIBODAUX, La – The Bayou Country Children’s Museum is asking for some help this holiday season.

The museum is almost exclusively funded by donations, and this year, one of their biggest fundraisers didn’t perform as well as they had hoped.

In a statement, the museum’s team said:

“One of our top fundraisers, the Night at the Boo-seum, was very unsuccessful this year due to severe weather which resulted in two date changes. This pushed the event beyond Halloween and unfortunately the attendance did not meet the requirement to make this event the usual yearly success. In the past, this integral fundraising event brought in cash sufficient enough for our mortgage and insurance payments. With this not being the case this year, the Bayou Country Children’s Museum does not have the funding in place to take us to the next large event, Play It Forward, in April 2020.

Although our 2019 year has seen some successes and growth in many areas, we have regrettably been stagnant during this year with regard to major museum sponsorships and donations. Recognizing that this area is of the utmost importance in keeping the museum open and thriving, we have decided to make some necessary changes in our current management and personnel. In addition, we have developed a strategic plan with great confidence that we will ensure that the Bayou Country Children’s Museum will remain a vital community resource for the children.

Our team is motivated! We have come together as one, Board and Staff, to make this a success. The only piece missing is YOU!”


If you’d like to help out the Bayou Country Children’s Museum, you can follow the link here to donate.  You can find more info about the museum itself on their website.