New Orleans – As the lookout in the crow’s nest would have shouted down to Christopher Columbus, “Land ho!”
On Wednesday (Feb. 19), historically accurate replicas of the Nina and Pinta will dock in Biloxi, and on Thursday (Feb. 20) you can walk on board!
According to the Columbus Foundation, the ships are “floating museums.” The Foundation says the Nina was built by hand, without power tools, making it “the most historically correct Columbus replica ever built.”
The Pinta replica is a larger version of the original “caravel,” a ship the Foundation describes as “the Space Shuttle of the 15th century.”
The ships will be docked at the Maritime and Seafood Industry’s schooner Pier Complex on Beach Boulevard until they depart on Monday, March 2. While they’re in port, the public can walk on board the ships for a self-guided tour.
Admission charges are $8.50 for adults, $7.50 for seniors, and $6.50 for students ages 5-15. Children ages 4 and under are free.
The ships will be open from 9 a.m to 5 p.m., and no reservations are necessary.
For more information, click here.