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NEW ORLEANS – Catholics in the New Orleans area will no longer be able to drink communion wine and are encouraged to exchange a sign of peace without contacting anyone else amid fears of the coronavirus spreading.

The changes were announced this afternoon in a memo written by Archbishop Gregory Aymond.

“Since there is a presumptive case of COVID- l9 (Coronavirus) in the New Orleans area, we must act out of an abundance of caution,” Aymond wrote. “Therefore, effective immediately the chalice containing the Blood of Christ is not to be offered to the congregation. Furthermore, I suggest that the sign of peace should be offered by making a simple bow to the other person and say, ‘peace be with you.’ Thank you for your cooperation. Let us pray for those who are affected by the virus and for our protection. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us.”

Aymond has already issued a memo asking the faithful who may be showing signs of sickness to remain home and skip mass while they are sick. Liturgical ministers have also been instructed to maintain good hygiene practices.

One case of presumptive coronavirus has already been reported in New Orleans, with a Jefferson Parish resident landing in quarantine in the VA Hospital in Orleans Parish.

Several teachers at archdiocesan schools chose to quarantine themselves after they traveled during the Mardi Gras holidays, but none of those teachers have reporter symptoms as of March 10, according to spokesperson Sarah McDonald.

The quarantine for those teachers will end on March 13, McDonald said.