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NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board (NOMTRCB) will conduct adult mosquito abatement Friday night in New Orleans East, the Upper 9th Ward, and the Lower 9th Ward.

Treatments will be conducted by truck or airplane from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., weather permitting.

Routine surveillance has indicated an elevated number of mosquitoes in this area, triggering the treatments.

NOMTRCB will start truck and airplane applications targeting adult Culex quinquefasciatus, the “southern house mosquito”, a West Nile virus (WNV) vector. No human WNV cases have been reported in Orleans Parish this year. WNV cycles between wild birds and mosquitoes and can be transmitted to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. While the majority of WNV virus infections are asymptomatic, the virus can cause serious symptoms, especially for individuals that are immunocompromised or over 65 years old.

NOMTRCB urges residents of New Orleans to protect themselves from biting mosquitoes and West Nile virus by avoiding mosquito bites. These actions include limiting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn, using EPA-approved insect repellents, reducing the number of mosquitoes around the home, and mosquito-proofing your home by maintaining screens on windows and doors. We are also urging people to empty water-filled containers around the home and yard to reduce potential mosquito breeding sites.

It is imperative for residents to remain vigilant in removing standing water by emptying containers. Water in containers that cannot be removed, such as bird baths, sugar kettles, pools, and ponds, should be changed weekly.

At this time of the year, mosquitoes can develop from egg to adult within 7-10 days, highlighting the importance of checking your property for standing water on a weekly basis. Remove trash and clutter, including discarded tires, buckets, tarps and any other items that may collect water. Swimming pools and fountains should be operational and circulating. A mosquito can lay eggs and develop in a space as small as a bottle cap, so every container counts.

For additional information regarding West Nile virus, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website:


Protecting Yourself:

  • Reduce mosquito exposure by limiting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.
  • Use air-conditioning and make sure window and door screens are in good repair to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside.  
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants while outside.
  • The CDC recommends using repellents containing EPA-registered active ingredients including DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  • When using repellent, always follow the recommendations on the product label.

Protecting Your Home:

  • Eliminate standing water around your home, where mosquitoes breed.
  • Remove trash and clutter, dispose of discarded tires and containers that can hold water. Turn over wading pools, buckets, trash cans, children’s toys or anything that could collect water.
  • Change water weekly in containers that cannot be removed, such as pet dishes or bird baths. Scrub the side of the containers each week to remove any eggs that have been deposited.
  • Rain barrels and other water collection devices must be screened, and collected water should be used within one week.
  • Aerate ornamental pools, fountains and sugar kettles or stock them with fish.

Residents are encouraged to report mosquito issues to 311.