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JEFFERSON PARISH, LA. — “Everything he’s been through and overcame, as sick as he was and had been, you would never know because he was the happiest kid,” said Mark Fucci of his son, Trek.

Despite spending most of his life in a hospital bed, Trek Fucci’s parents say his contagious smile and cheerful giggle could light up any room.

“Nurses would come just to visit him, they would stand at the door and be like “Hey Trek!” and he would light up and talk and he was just so happy and smiley. He was full of love,” said Mark.

Trek was Nicole and Mark Fucci’s second son and miracle baby. The couple met at the Jefferson Parish police academy in 2009 and soon after, got married. They struggled with fertility for years, but through in vitro fertilization, Nicole got pregnant with their first son, Graysen in 2016.

Tragically, the happiest time of their lives took an unexpected turn.

“He was born three months premature and he passed away on Christmas Eve of 2016 due to sepsis,” said Nicole.

While grieving the loss of Graysen, the Fucci’s knew they still wanted to have children, but Nicole was unable to carry. That’s when Felicia Hollier, a dispatcher at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, said she would carry Trek.

Trek Fucci

But things took another shocking turn when Trek was born.

“We were completely blindsided by it, but he had six heart defects and he had a lymphatic system malformation,” said Nicole.

So after recieving treatment in New Orleans, Trek was treated at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he would receive more than 100 surgeries. Despite putting up an unimaginable fight, Trek passed away on December 18, 2020, the same day the Fucci’s first son Graysen was born.

As the Fucci’s continue to mourn the loss of their sons, they’re desperately searching for a gestational carrier, someone who can carry their child full-term.

“We’ll never be ready to move on, but we’re not getting any younger, and our goal is to have a family,” said Mark.

In order for the Fucci’s dream of a family to come true, they need to rely on a woman who can help them make it happen.

“From a woman to woman, mother to mother, they know. I don’t know how else to put it, they know that feeling, especially when you struggle for so long. At the end of the day, that’s all you want, that’s all you want,” said Nicole.

According to Louisiana law, in order to become a gestational carrier, you have to be a woman between the age of 25 through 35, have at least one child and you must live in the state. If you or someone you know is interested in helping the Fucci’s, you can contact them at or message them on Nicole’s Facebook page: Nicole Mitchell Fucci.