Local Thursday is a tradition for many in Louisiana

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— It’s a local favorite for Jazz Fest on Thursday – Locals Thursday!

Clear skies, full hearts – can’t lose. That’s the motto for many at Jazz Fest.

“My soul feels better now that the gates are open again it’s amazing,” said Dave Nestor. He’s visiting from Chicago.

New Orleans natives call this festival a true embodiment of the Big Easy.

“To hear some of the local groups is really one of the highlights for me – so that I can hear folks I hear from all around the city,” said Betsy Eastman, a local who was enjoying everything the festival has to offer.

Thursday isn’t like any other day at the fest. It’s a tradition for many living in Louisiana.

“This is our this, it’s what we do, we do Locals Thursday every year,” said Mandeville resident Jill Savoy.

Day ticket prices were nearly slashed in half for all Louisiana residents.

Some said it’s like buying two for one, even having a bit of money left over to enjoy some food and drinks.

“It’s so nice to be able to be outside and listen to music and enjoy this wonderful weather,” said Lynn Smith – another local spending her Thursday at the fest.

Visitors from across the country were even daydreaming about being from the Pelican State.

“The music, the people, the food – we love this city,” said Chicago resident Dave Nestor. “Someday we will be from here.”

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