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NEW ORLEANS – As many of you know, the 2020 election brought record-breaking numbers to polling locations during early voting. The same went for votes on election day. Over 2 million people were expected to vote in Louisiana— some new to the experience. 

The final day to submit a ballot for the 2020 Presidential Election in Louisiana was on November 3rd, 2020 and more than 50,000 residents in Orleans Parish made it a priority to get to a polling location before the day ended. Some voted for the first time in years others voted for the first time ever.

“I think in this time, I found that it was extremely important to use that privilege to vote,” first-time voter Emmanuel Ukot told WGNO. “Sometimes we wait for other people to move and then when we look around, they’re actually waiting for us. If we don’t move, we can’t expect anybody else to.”

Some voters didn’t participate in the 2020 election but decided to vote this time around after realizing every vote counts.

“I’m looking for a change and if I’m looking for change, that means I need to get out here and vote. So that’s why I just made my way out here today,” another Orleans Parish voter, Antionette Julien explained. 

“I’m glad that we’re getting out. I’m glad that we care about the future of our country. That’s important because we’re gonna be in it. It’s not just about when we’re here, it’s about after we leave as well. So I think it’s really important [that] we start now,” said Ukot.