Hanging up those Christmas lights already? Here are 5 light myths debunked by a professional

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — This Friday marks the 50-day mark on the countdown to Christmas, and now that Halloween is over, many eyes are set on holiday decorations.

According to Ulta-Lit Tree Company president John DeCosmo, who has 15 years of experience of selling tools to fix broken lights, many people become trapped in Christmas light myths that could cost them money or even their lives.

Christmas Light Myths

So, no matter if you put up your decorations the day after Halloween, the day after Thanksgiving, or even the week of Christmas — don’t forget to keep safety in mind and contact the LightKeeper Pro Hotline by calling 888-858-2548 or emailing inform@ultalit.com to be put in touch with an expert in lighting.