History of Thibodaux’s Home Hook and Ladder Fire Co. No.1

THIBODAUX, La. (WGNO) — Glynn Comeaux is the Assistant Fire Chief for Home Hook and Ladder Fire Co. No.1, part of the Thibodaux Volunteer Fire Department.

“Home Hook and Ladder is one of the first three fire companies of Thibodaux. It was organized back in 1874,” explains Comeaux.

There’s quite the fiery legacy in Thibodaux. The Thibodaux Volunteer Fire Department is believed to be the largest volunteer fire department in the country, and it started back in the 1800s. It began with one company and then grew.

After the original three fire companies were established, there would eventually be 20 fire companies that would comprise the department. Today, there are over 500 firemen and firewomen and eight fire companies. Home Hook and Ladder is the third company of the fire department and was established in 1874. Over the years, each new generation of firefighters would utilize more innovation in firefighting technology.

Comeaux says, “Back then it was hand-drawn pumps. Home Hook and Ladder had a wagon with ladders. In the 1950s, they purchased some motorized vehicles to start pulling those wagons. In the 1920s and 30s, we would see motorized fire apparatuses.

Home Hook and Ladder Fire Co. No.1 is 150 years old. They, along with Thibodaux Fire Co No. 1, initiated the Firemen’s Fair tradition. The Thibodaux Firemen’s Fair is a yearly celebration that consists of a parade, a church procession, raffling and a festival. All proceeds fund the fire department.

The original Firemen’s Fair is believed to have taken place at the corner of St. Louis and West 5th streets, where Thibodaux Fire Co No. 1 is today. Now, the fair home on the grounds of its own space at 1101 Tiger Drive in Thibodaux. Both Home Hook and Ladder Fire Co. No.1 and the Thibodaux Firemen’s Fair celebrate 150 years!

“The fair was started years ago by Thibodaux Fire Company number one and Home Hook and Ladder. They worked together and bought a piece of property in town and that was the first fairgrounds for the Thibodaux Volunteer Fire Department. From there, the fair has grown. It’s a joy just being a part of realizing the history of this department of where it came from and where it is at today. It’s phenomenal when you realize the whole support comes from the community,” explains Comeaux.

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