Cookin’ with Nino: Pan-Seared Salmon with Remoulade Sauce

Pan-Seared Salmon with Remoulade Sauce


Pan-Seared Salmon



On a flat surface, drizzle olive oil over both sides of salmon filets and gently rub until both sides are completely covered.

Sprinkle Seafood Magic over each side until all surfaces are covered.

In a black iron skillet, place enough olive oil to cover the bottom and heat until oil pops.  To test it, place one drop of water in the oil.  When hot enough, it will pop.

Place seasoned filet into oil and cook for a few minutes on each side.



Remoulade Sauce



Put all the ingredients in a food processor and process for 30 seconds.  Use immediately or store.  Will keep for several days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


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