FUELED Wellness + Nutrition | Why we *should* remove the word should from our vocabulary

Here’s an idea for a resolution reboot:  Lose the ‘shoulds’ from our self-talk to immediately lighten our load and remove the cloud of burden hanging over us, leaving us feeling lighter and happier.

When it comes to wellness and nutrition, most of us have a general idea of what’s good for us: Dial back on sugar and white carbs. Add more plants. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. 

It can be hard, though, to fit it all in. Especially if there’s a significant gap between where we are now, and where we want to be – it can be a lot of pressure.

So when we use the word should, we’re only adding more pressure, when we may already be feeling defeated.

should exercise more. I should cook more. I should cut back on drinking.

We feel as if we’ve failed, yet we’re so overwhelmed by our list of *shoulds* that we don’t even know where to start.

So here’s my proposal for your new year reboot:

Instead of saying that we *should* do something, start to shift our words and our perspective to say that we would like to do xyz. Or that we plan to do this. And recognizing that it’s okay if it doesn’t all happen immediately – or at all.

Along the way, remember to focus on the positive, on all of the incredible things that are you are doing, giving yourself the recognition you deserve, just like you would if a friend shared these same accomplishments with you.

Learn more about Eat Fit at Smoothie King! Click here for the full list of Eat Fit options available at Smoothie King, proud sponsor of FUELED Wellness + Nutrition with Molly on WGNO. 


Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD is a registered dietitian + nutrition journalist in New Orleans, and founder of Ochsner Eat Fit nonprofit restaurant initiative. Tune in to her podcast, FUELED | Wellness + Nutrition and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @MollyKimballRD. 

See more of Molly’s articles + TV segments at www.mollykimball.com, and sign up for Eat Fit Wellness Bites weekly newsletter, here.