Get Fueled with Molly | Love It, Like It, Hate It: “Healthy” Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast sets the tone for the day when it comes to our energy levels, our ability to focus and learn, and even our cravings.  The right breakfast leaves us energized and feeling solid until lunchtime.  The wrong breakfast leaves us bottomed out, craving more carbs.  And since cereal is one of the more popular breakfast choices, here’s Molly’s take on the best and worst of the seemingly healthful cereals!


Kay’s Naturals Cereal (in Apple Cinnamon, Honey Almond, or French Vanilla)

Cascadian Farms Purely O’s


Joe’s O’s


365 Everyday Value Morning O’s


2-x m4ore sugar than fiber and as much as 4x more sugar than protein

Kellog’s Cracklin’ Oat Bran

Frosted Cheerios


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