Get the Skinny | Love it, Like it, Hate it: New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is just days away, so today we’re Getting the Skinny with Molly on best and worst types of Resolutions. So whether you’re trying to lose weight, get more sleep, or just feel better, here are easy tips to help make sure this New Year’s Resolution really sticks.


3 Fundamentals for Successful Resolutions

  1. Goal is specific, centered on behavior changes, not just end-goal
  2. Goal is measurable, realistic + attainable
  3. Accountability: Check-in with friend, workout group, health professional




Love it, Like it, Hate it [in reverse!]: Examples of a Weight Loss Resolution




Vague, and centered only on end-goal:


Too numbers-focused; possibly not realistic:










Outlines specific behavior change. Realistic, measurable, attainable:





Want more from Molly?  Click here to sign up for Nutrition Bites, her weekly e-newsletter with links to her Get the Skinny TV segments here on WGNO, and her weekly column in NOLA.com|The Times-Picayune!   And you can follow Molly on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram:  @MollyKimballRD