Love it, Like it, Hate it: Microwave Popcorn!

Old-fashioned popcorn can be a tasty, filling, nutritious snack – and who doesn’t love the smell of freshly-popped popcorn?  And the good news is that microwave popcorn options are getting better and better, with more brands offering truly good-for-you microwave popcorn.  In today’s Love it, Like it, Hate it, we’re Getting the Skinny with Molly on what to look for – and what to avoid – when it comes to this snack-time favorite.


The benefits: Popcorn is low in calories, whole grain, antioxidant-rich, good source of fiber

The Drawbacks: Reports that that microwave popcorn contains harmful chemicals continue to circulate on the internet and social media, with warnings that microwave popcorn is linked to cancer and even lung disease, so here’s the skinny on those claims:

The good news:  Most brands of popcorn have eliminated PFOAs & diacetyl from their products.

Trans fats | More good news:  Most varieties of microwave popcorn have reformulated to contain less than 0.5 grams of trans fat, listed as 0 trans fat per serving.



DIY Microwave Popcorn with non-GMO popcorn kernels 

Engine 2 Organic Microwave Popcorn



Skinny Pop Microwave Popcorn


Quinn Popcorn


Orville Redenbacher Single Serve 100 Calorie Mini Bags



Pop-Secret Extra Butter:

Act II Butter Lovers

Orville Redenbachers Movie Theater Butter Pop-Up Popcorn

Orville Redenbacher’s Caramel Popcorn



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