We’ve heard the many benefits of fish oil – but does flax oil provide the same benefits? To find out, we’re Getting the Skinny with Molly on all things omega 3’s!
FISH OIL: Benefits of DHA & EPA – the primary omega 3’s found in fish oil:
- Lower blood pressure and triglycerides; helps prevent blood clots
- Essential for a baby’s brain development
- Natural anti-inflammatory; may improve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
- Associated with lower incidence of depression
FLAX OIL: People often opt to supplement with flax oil, thinking they’re getting the same thing.
- Flax oil is an excellent source of an omega-3 fat called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
- BUT doesn’t provide all of same benefits as fish oil; <10% ALA converted into EPA & DHA
- Bottom line: Flax oil supplements not as effective as fish oil supplements
FLAXSEED: Ground flaxseed, unlike flax oil, is rich in fiber and is one of the richest food sources of lignans, which are highly protective against certain types of cancer
Nordic Natural’s Ultimate Omega 3+D (Liquid Oil or Capsule)
- 2 capsules = 1100 mg EPA + DHA (+1,000 IU vitamin D)
- 1 teaspoon = 1245 mg EPA + DHA (+ 1,000 IU vitamin D)
- Nordic Naturals is 3rd party certified for toxins; strict standards for purity & quality. Certificates of analysis available upon request.
Vegan EPA & DHA
- Nordic Naturals Algae Omega: 2 capsules = 585 mg EPA + DHA
- Bluebonnet Vegetarian DHA: 1 capsule = 200 mg DHA
- Lower price point than Nordic Naturals ($30/120-ct compared to $53/120-ct for Nordic Naturals)
- One capsule = 1,000 mg EPA + DHA
Flaxseed Oil – oil or capsules – poor source of EPA + DHA
Omega 3 Gummies – most have just 100 mg EPA + DHA per piece + added sugar
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