Pothole of the Day: Mound of mud in the 7th Ward

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Calvin Schnyder says the pothole near N. Galvez St. and Onzaga St. is dangerous.

“Kids sometimes try to step over the hill of mud and they fall,” Schnyder says. “I have to help old people cross the street. It’s just ridiculous.”

He says construction workers dug the hole about seven months ago. And, it has just gotten worse.

“It’s not really a hole. It’s a mound of mud,” he says. “It was higher than this. It has actually started to subside on its own.”

He wants it fixed. But, he’s not getting his hopes up.

“It seems like no one wants to take charge and take care of it,” Schnyder says.

Is your pothole on our Pothole of the Day map? If not, email the location (address, cross streets) and a way to contact you to twist@digital-staging.wgno.com.