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HOUMA, La. (WGNO) — Meteorologists along the coast are predicting an above-normal hurricane season. In response, places like Terrebonne Parish, are making it their first priority to keep residents in the know.

On June 3, the Bayou Ready, Storm Ready Press Conference and Community Resource Event was held to educate the surrounding area on resources they can access in an emergency.

“We’re here for you,” said Executive Director of the Bayou Community Foundation Jennifer Armand. “Our Bayou Recovery Fund continues to remain open to accept donations and get to work when, and if the next disaster strikes.”

The Red Cross, Rebuilding The Boot and Sunbelt Roofs were a few organizations to speak at the event. Officials say they want to take whatever preventive steps they can to keep things from getting worse.

“The more we can be secure and fortified, the fewer homes we’ll have to repair the next time around because we love this place. We love the people,” said Kristina Peterson with the Lowlander team.

“I think as a government, we’ve taken in what happened to us almost three years ago, and I think we would be better prepared this time,” said Terrebonne Parish Councilman Danny Babin.

One item Peterson recommends residents get their hands on this season is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio. Packed with useful equipment, it has a solar battery, a flashlight, and most importantly, will keep you updated on close-by storms when the power is out.

“The most important thing we have here in Terrebonne Parish is all of us, the people. So, we don’t want to lose any people. So be prepared, be informed,” Babin said.

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