1931 Time Capsule Extracted From Louisiana State Capitol Building

In 1931, Governor Huey P. Long and architect Leon Weiss, left future generations a glimpse into the past in the walls of the Louisiana State Capitol building.

On Friday, a bit of that history was uncovered.

A copper box, concealed behind the cornerstone at the northwest corner of the Louisiana State Capitol Building, was discovered during research for the rehabilitation of this National Historic Landmark.

According to the building’s current architects, completion of construction would make accessing the capsule at a later date impossible.

Senate officials made the decision to extract the box and leave it sealed until an appropriate date to open it is identified.

“This time capsule is another reminder of this building’s rich, interesting history,” said Senate President John A. Alario, Jr. “I am honored to be part of its discovery and I look forward to what its contents will reveal.”

The time capsule will be analyzed and a plan is in progress for where and how the box will be displayed.