Anne Rice Archives arrive at Tulane University

NEW ORLEANS – It’s a bloody good gift.

It’s a donation and now a big job for Tulane librarian David Banush.

David’s checking out what the school is now checking in. It’s the complete archive of Anne Rice, the author who enterns the world with her stories about vampires.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is at Tulane University where the boxes are just now being unpacked. From her first book, Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice has been signing, stimulating and scaring her readers for almost half a century.

She’s a New Orleans native with 30 novels to her name.

This collection of her slightly spooky stuff includes manuscripts from her published novels and short stories, never published and never seen by the public.

The Anne Rice Archive finally finds a home address where it belongs.

Back where it all began.

Right here, in New Orleans.