At Louisiana Renaissance Festival, give history a break with help from Louisiana Boy Scouts

HAMMOND, La – It takes a team

It takes a team that’s also a troop.

It’s Louisiana Boy Scout Troop 100 that makes up this team.

They’re playing a game.

And the name of the game is follow the leader.  The leader they’re following is their Boy Scout Senior Patrol Leader.

His name is Dylan Henry.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says Dylan Henry is a great guy for one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

Wild Bill says watching Dylan Henry is like watching the director on a movie set.

Dylan Henry likes that.

Dylan says, “it is like that, gets hectic, but I manage maintain control.”

Dylan is the scout-in-chief.

He knows the members of his troop by name.

Nathan Murray.

Michael Domangue

Shane Shepard

Joell Hart.

They’re on a mission.  Their mission is to move wooden benches. They’re hand carrying them a long way, all the way back to the 17th century.

It’s the Renaissance.  Well, it’s the Louisiana Renaissance Festival where the benches are being delivered.

Dylan Henry says, “it is the nature of Boy Scouts to give back communities and to help others and it’s part of our code of honor to do a good turn daily.”

The Boy Scouts spent a summer Saturday sawing and drilling.

They’re worked hard building the benches as a service project for Boy Scouts working to become Eagle Scouts.

The second part of the plan was to put the benches in place in the fall, just in time for Renaissance citizens to take a rest.

When they see people at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival taking a break on the benches they build, Dylan Henry says, “I think we’ve really done community a good thing by giving people more of a choice where they can relax and enjoy the area.”
Leave it a leader and a bunch of Boy Scouts to figure out how to give history, a break.

You can sit on the benches at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival.

It’s open weekends through December 9, open from 9:45 AM until dusk.

For a map of how to find it everything else, just click right here, please.