Fish Fry Friday: Where to find a good fish fry during Lent

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – There’s good news and bad news when it comes to Lent.

The bad news is you can’t eat meat on Friday, but the good news is there’s no shortage of fried fish to enjoy.

Every year, churches and other organizations host them to help raise money for their groups and to feed the hungry masses.

This year’s Fish Fry Friday list is sponsored by the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Here’s an interactive map and list of fish fries in the New Orleans and surrounding areas. Click on the red dots in the map to see the name of the church or organization, and the dates and times of their fish fries.

Prices and offerings vary, as do times and dates. Be sure to double check with each organization before you show up.

Do you have a fish fry to add to the list? Send an email to twist@digital-staging.wgno.com.

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