It’s a miracle! She almost dies from cancer: TONIGHT, she gets a ‘Life Sentence’

HOLLYWOOD –  Life Sentence is what she gets.

And Life Sentence is the name of the new show you can watch on NOLA 38 – The CW, Wednesday nights at 9pm.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is in Hollywood to talk with the star of the show, Lucy Hale.

You saw Lucy Hale In New Orleans on New Year’s Eve as she hosted the Big Easy part of Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest.

In the Hollywood interview, Lucy Hale tells Wild Bill Wood about her new show Life Sentence, “when they pitched this idea to me, it was completely flipped on its head.”

The idea is about second chances.

Everybody deserves a second chance.

And sometimes you actually get a second chance.

Sometimes, that second chance is at life itself.

That’s what’s happening on Life Sentence.

It’s the name of the show and it’s what Stella actually gets on the show.

You better hang on to your remote control because this new show starts out with a real shocker.

Wild Bill says to Lucy Hale who plays Stella, “you have cancer!”

Lucy Hale says, “yes, we’ve all heard these stories before, these movies and we all know how they typically end.”

As you can probably guess, this show will not have one of those typical movie, TV show story kind of endings.

Stella has cancer.

Stella is dying.

That is until suddenly, Stella is cured.  That’s suddenly in the first episode, kind of suddenly.

“Stella has to deal with all the choices she made while she was living like she was dying, ” Lucy Hale tells Wild Bill Wood.

“Stella’s parents made her believe everything was unicorns and rainbows,” Lucy says.

“They gave her the best life they knew how to and let her travel the world and do all her bucket list things.” Lucy says about her new Life Sentencecharacter Stella.

Stella is guilty.

And for that she gets, we all get a brand new Life Sentence.

You can watch the show Wednesday nights at 9pm on NOLA 38 – The CW.