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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — It’s getting late, and it’s almost time to close up for the evening. Here are some stories you might have missed today.
Amite loses appeal, St. James heads to the dome

There will be no St James vs Amite 3A semifinal game Friday night.
Terrebonne Sheriff’s deputies investigating kidnapping and murder

The Terrebonne Sheriff’s Department is investigating the kidnapping of two young girls and the murder of their aunt.
Orleans Parish Sheriff’s employee and inmate arrested in escapee incidents

New Orleans makes list of fattest, laziest cities in America

New Orleans is one of the fattest and laziest cities in the United States, that’s of course, according to
We ask the expert: will Viagra make your Christmas tree stand taller?
People really stop at nothing for the perfect Christmas tree. As they search at street corner tree lots across the country, it’s a competition.