Mirror, mirror on the wall…What’s your recovery reflection?

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- During Hurricane Katrina, Canal Street was underwater and since then it has come back and is a major shopping and hotel hub!

The Ritz Carlton hotel on Canal Street is honoring the 10 year Katrina commemoration in a special way through art.

News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez  takes a look at the new art installation at the Ritz.

Mirror, mirror on the wall…What’s your reflection of recovery?

“It means a new spirit of entrepreneurship.  Younger people are coming to our city and they are starting successful businesses and more and more people are returning,”  Kit Wohl said.

Wohl is the artist who designed, “Reflections of Recovery” at The Ritz Carlton New Orleans on Canal Street.  The new art installation is 50-linear feet and sits at the entrance to the hotel.

“This installation helps us look at where the Ritz Carlton has been and it helps us look towards the future,”  Kristen Barnes, Communications Manager at The Ritz Carlton, said.

After Katrina, The Ritz Carlton on Canal Street re-opened in December of 2006.  10-years after the storm, The Ritz is reflecting with their new art installation which consists of about 3 dozen antique mirrors.  The mirrors were found at antique stores, in the Ritz archives, and some of Wohl’s mirrors.

“A lot of the mirrors have dings and imperfections.  Nothing is perfect after Katrina.  I put some mirrors on the ground, which is reminiscent of the waters that flooded our city,” Wohl said.

Wohl’s new creation even reminds her of the good old days.

“It reminds me of Pontchartrain Beach.  The old fun house that we all used to enjoy as kids,”  she said.

This art installation is interactive and everyone passing by can get in on it.

“You too can reflect what you did to help with the recovery.  There’s even a part of the piece, where you can see the reflection of Canal Street.  Its a serendipitous surprise,”  she said.

Here’s looking at you, New Orleans!