‘Get Up Offa That Thing!’ says the 7-year-old version of James Brown

NEW ORLEANS – He has just one thing to say to you.

That’s one thing to sing to you.

And that’s “get up offa that thing!”

You heard of the godfather of soul? You’re about to mee the godson of soul.

WGNO  News with a Twist fun guy Wild Bill Wood says he’s now one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at the Keating Law Firm.

He feels good.

He’s the hardest working little man in show business.

He’s working every stage.  And when out shopping with his mom, he’s working every aisle a New Orleans Rouses Market.

Wild Bill Wood says to this kid, “I’ve heard of dancing in the street, but dancing in the store?”

He’s inspired by James Brown, the godfather of soul.

And that’s why he says, “I feel good!”

He just turned seven.

His name is Paris Josef.

He’s a straight A soon to be second grader.

And because he loves James Brown, they call him Baby Brown.

When he was just two-years-old, his mom took him to a James Brown movie where he danced in the aisles.

Since then, Papa’s got a brand new bag and Baby Brown’s got a brand new career.

Wild Bill says he’ll get up offa his thing in a moment but first a question, “why do you like James Brown so much Baby Brown?

Paris Josef, aka Baby Brown says, “him singing and dancing makes me want to put on my music and start singing and dancing.”

James Brown left the dance floor forever back in 2006.

Bue he left it all in good hands.

And because of Baby Brown, in really good feet.

But he left it in good hands….And really…..good feet.