NEW ORLEANS – There’s a song in the air.
And it’s a new song.
WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says the words for the new song are coming from the creative and musical mind of a man who’s not just fiddling around.
His name is James Behan Jr.
James Behan Jr. doesn’t play the fiddle. He plays the guitar.
And that’s how he managed to win a contest to come up with a hymn to celebrate New Orleans turning 300 years old, the city’s big tricentennial.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans is in charge of the hymn contest. The new hymn will now be officially used in Tricentennial Liturgies wherever they’re taking place.
It can be sung in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, French.
A panel of seven judges on behalf of the Archdiocese of New Orleans selected the winner and the special song he created.
All together, 41 music-loving entries arrived for competition.
James Behan Jr. created a song that’s close to his heart.
Here are the words of the first two verses of the new hymn:
Gathered here for many cent’ries, by the river, Lord we pray.
As You have, and will forever, bless Your People here this day.
Thanks be to God! Gracias a Dios!
Ta on Chua Merci A Dieu!
Here your loving, faithful family shares our prayers and praise to You.
Many voices join together for our city’s song we sing.
In this festive celebration, we acclaim You, Lord, as King.
Thanks be to God! Gracias a Dios!
Ta on Chua Merci A Dieu!
Here your loving, faithful family shares our prayers and praise to You.
You sing the song to a tune that’s a 19th century American hymn.
Many people will know it as the hymn, God, We Praise You.
So go ahead and sing. And celebrate New Orleans Tricentennial.