Post-inauguration celebration for Mayor Cantrell

NEW ORLEANS — A post-inauguration celebration was held in Louis Armstrong park after New Orleans new mayor, LaToya Cantrell, was sworn into office.

The new mayor paraded out with a second line, and the park was lined with food trucks.

A live band played as residents discussed how this could be a positive change for the city.

Everyone also commented on the excitement of having the first, African American female mayor hold this honorable spot in office.

“We are today, making history, because we are going to be in unity with mayor LaToya Cantrell. It’s just a great day, a great opportunity. I just love being here. I’m excited about history!” says Cantrell supporter, Charmaine Baker.

“We all are here to enjoy what makes us smile. Ya know? Smiling feeling wonderful, I love it! In other words, I feel like partying with LaToya,” says Sonja “Lady” Dedais.

Mayor Cantrell spoke to media and promised she would to tackle the city’s homeless issues, sewerage and water board issues, and crime.