Robots bring home blue ribbons

NEW ORLEANS – And they’re off.

Galloping into the future.

Racing against the clock.

Robots built by girls in the lab at Dominican High.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says the ladies in the robot club are amazing.

And now they are members of the club called Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

They’re working out and warming up in New Orleans for the big regional robot championship.

Caitlyn Dumas is on the Dominican Robotics Team.

She says, “we go really fast and the way we do everything, we get more points the more we do.”

Dominican is the only school sending two teams.

That’s two of 21 teams playing in the regional robot super bowl.

The two teams from Dominican are actually competing against each other there.

It’s a contest for their robots to move blocks, back and forth.

Then under a bridge.

It’s a two and a half minute test.

And these girls are good.

Really good.

Catherine Bickerton is on the Dominican Robotics Team.

She says, “girls can  be just as good as guys when it comes to robotics and engineering.”

Wild Bill wonders, “what happens if you’re so smart you wind up building a robot that’s smarter than you are?”

Catherine says, “I don’t think that would actually phase me because if our team is able to pioneer that wave for the world, I would be so happy for that.”

They are pioneers.


Wrangling robots at Dominican for five years now.