Scream! On the Wacky Worm at Andouille Festival

LAPLACE, LA (WGNO) – The 2016 St. John the Baptist Parish Andouille Festival was none stop fun.

Music, good times, of course, all you can eat andouille, that’s the king of sausage the festival was named for.

Thousands of people head to LaPlace for the three day festival.  The brave ones get in line for the rides.

This year, more than 20 rides were waiting for the fearless.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is one big coward-of-a-kid. But Wild Bill rolled on the roller coaster and a few others.

Plenty of these people come to the festival for the food.  Some of them come packing their own food.  They’re the people entered the cooking contests.  They had to pack andouille into three categories:  gumbo, jambalayas and miscellaneous dishes.