Sharp New Orleans offers professional attire for men

NEW ORLEANS — When it comes to a job interview, looking your best has been statistically proven to help your chances of being hired.

That’s why a new non-profit organization was born to help local men overcome workforce barriers to employment by helping jazz up their wardrobe.

Patrick Young had this idea about 3 years ago after realizing there was a lack of support for males in the community.

He said Dress for Success was made for women, and now it’s the man’s turn to receive new attire for future job interviews.

“On careerbuilder, they found that 55% of most employers say that attire matters to the hiring manager. So, the way you walk into the room, you’re already at an either advantage or disadvantage based upon what you wear,” says Young.

Young says that Kevin Hart, the famous actor, comedian, and family friend, stepped in as the first benefactor of this program that is now known as “Sharp New Orleans.”

“If you know Kevin, he has a quick response. ‘Love it. Love it. Let’s do it.’ Ge really wants to see other people succeed so he’s giving you that opportunity to say ‘hey don’t make it about me, make it about the purpose,” says Young

That purpose is to help folks like Rashad Dickerson, someone who is homeless and looking for a fresh start in life.

“I hope to be at my first interview and I hope to be wearing a suit. I don’t hope to get a gig or a job, I want a career. Being homeless, I could be depressed, I could down, but I’m not. I’m happy about somebody actually taking the time off to show me what to do,” says Dickerson.

The goal is to have everyone truly live out the motto: “Look sharp, Think sharp, Stay sharp.”

Sharp Men Nola just launched a couple of weeks ago, and has partnered with Strive, Job1, United Way, and other local opportunity centers to help with job readiness.

For more information click here.