The Octopus! Watch him and you’ll see why he’s got “8 arms”!

NEW ORLEANS – In the lunchroom at Brother Martin High School, it looks like one guy has drummed up quite a collection of friends.

WGNO News with a Twist fun guy Wild Bill Wood notices that this kid has drummed up the friends because of his drumming.

The kid says, “drumming is my life after all and these guys help me pursue that every day.”

He’s one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by The Keating Law Firm.

The kid is Jake Murillo who says, “for me, this is really important and i want people to come to love what i love as well.”

And here at Brother Martin High School,  the sound of music sounds like and looks like Jake Murillo and his drums.

Wild Bill says, “on the drums, you’re an animal!”

Jake Murillo says, “actually an octupus.”

Wild Bill wonders, “how many arms do you have?

Jake Murillo says, “eight!”

He’s an eighteen-year-old senior now studying physics.

And he’s planning for college.

But he mostly looks forward to Friday nights.

Every Friday night, at every football game,  Jake Murillo is in the drum line.  He’s a halftime hero because he’s been drumming every day since he was just six.

Wild Bill says, “the drum is always at the back of the band, but you put it in center stage and in the spotlight.”

Jake Murillo says, “I don’t want the drums to be just the back beat any more, in a way drums can become the main stage.”

Back in the lunchroom, in the lunch line, Jake Murillo looks like just another guy at Brother Martin.

Not the kid who competes nationally to now be known as one of America’s best drummers.

Wild Bill notices, “even when you’re dining on chicken parmesan pasta and green beans, you’re thinking about your drums?

Jake Murillo says, “drumming is something I can clear out the stress of day, and get into something I’m really passionate and really happy.”

The boy who eats his green beans plans to become an anesthesiologist, the kind of doctor who puts people to sleep.

For now, he works full-time, keeping the world wide awake.