The power of the pebble inspires Louisiana teacher to share love on the rocks

ST. TAMMANY PARISH, La. — Ever feel life’s really got you between a rock and a hard place?

There’s a message of motivation waiting out there just for you.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says it’s coming from somebody who simply wants to rock your world.

Her name is Hayley. That’s Hayley Pedigo.

As Hayley drives home, her hope is to have a bumpy ride. That’s because you never know when a bump in the road is really a rock.

Hayley is looking for a few good rocks.  Smooth, round, flat, perfect for painting.

That’s right, Hayley paints rocks. And then she writes messages of motivation on every rock.

Wild Bill says, “this must be the world’s smallest canvas.”

Haley says, “It may be the world’s smallest canvas, but the world’s biggest message. You never know when you’ll make a stranger smile.”

Hayley makes kids smile at her real job.  She teaches Louisiana two-year-olds at The Little Red Schoolhouse.  She’s a pre-school teacher.

And some days, she even has these kids hard at work with paint and paint brushes.  They can paint just like their teacher.

One big difference, the kids don’t go outside and hide their masterpieces.

That’s what Hayley Pedigo does with her rocks with a positive message.  She hides them around the Louisiana Northshore.  She hides them behind trees. She hides them in mailboxes.

As she still paints in the corner of her kitchen after a year and a hundred pounds of painted pieces of the earth. Haley Pedigo believes in the power of the pebble.

She inspires. She motivates.

She rocks.

If you find one her rocks or want to paint one for yourself, you can join the St. Tammany Parish Rocks! group on Facebook.  Just click right here for the link.