Underwater, but above it all. An 11-year-old who has her own media coach

NEW ORLEANS –  Here’s the question to a New Orleans fifth grader.

The question comes from WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood.

Wild Bill asks, “how old are you?”

The kid says, “I am eleven years old.”

And Wild Bill follows up with another question, “what do you do?”

And the kid answers, “I am a student.”

And the next question from Wild Bill, “is this guy who’s working with you in the library one of your teachers?”

The student says, “he is my media coach.”

And the question you probably have to ask now is, why does a fifth grader need a media coach?

Well, you’ll find out when you meet this student.

Her name is London.

That’s London Lindsey Landry.

And she knows what she wants to do when she’s all grown up.

She wants to be a brain surgeon.

She will be a doctor.

She’s already amazing.

She’s one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

In New Orleans, you can find her at Hynes Charter School.

That is where smart kids study.

Kids just like London Lindsey Landry.

She’s in the library.

That’s where London Lindsey Landy is working with her media coach.

Why does she need a media coach?

London Lindsey Landry says, “everybody needs to know how to talk.”

The  media coach says, “also make sure you sit up, taller, confidence.”

That’s Coach Trazi.

And he’s just one member of the team of coaches employed by an 11-year-old, one-woman-empire.

On the soccer field, that’s coach Vinnie.

London started soccer when she was just two.

Then on the track.  That’s coach Jimmy.   He’s the coach who helped London sprint 60 meters in 9.15 seconds.


Into the swimming pool.

And on the side, there’s coach Randolph.

Before she could walk or talk, London learned to swim.

Wild Bill has another question, “how do you describe yourself?”

London says, “well, I describe myself as a person who makes good grades, does a lot of sports and knows the importance of hard work.”

Somehow she squeezes in three hours a day for homework.

London has a Louisiana address and a life plan as big as the planet.

So how can we all be a little more like London?

She says, “put God first and if you dream of something, it will come true.”

London Lindsey Landry loves life, all right.

And she’s got all the coaches she need.

She’s ready to cross the finish line of her future.

Even when it’s underwater.