World’s Biggest Peanut on Wheels: the only way to travel on National Peanut Brittle Day


NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – It’s National Peanut Brittle Day.

The best way to  celebrate is to go for a ride.

There’s no shortage of nuts on the road. Now there’s a real nut on the road.

WGNO News with a Twist features reporter Wild Bill Wood says it’s a peanut.

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It’s not just a peanut.  It’s the Planters Nutmobile.

Right now, it’s rolling around New Orleans.  But it travels the country so much; the Nutmobile has logged more than 100,000 miles.

And that’s just over the last three years.

The Nutmobile has a name. You can call her RoShell.

RoShell is a shapely peanut. She’s 23 feet long.

And RoShell is a tall girl. She’s ten and a half feet tall.

How much does she weigh? You never ask a female about her weight.

RoShell is actually the first of the Nutmobiles on the road.  She has cousins that cruise up and down the coasts.  And they’re actually bigger nuts.

Like any big star, RoShell has a team that gets her together and gets her on the road. They’re called Peanutters.

You get to meet the team when you watch Wild Bill’s story.

And if you want to know where RoShell the Nutmobile is right now.  Or if you want to know where she’s going next, you can follow her online.

The Nutmobile Tracker can be yours if you just click right here.