351 sea turtles found dead on coast where 137 sea lions died

A Loggerhead hatchling swims in the water as more than 570 sea turtle hatchlings, including the Loggerhead and Green turtles, are released back into the Atlantic Ocean in a joint effort between the United States Coast Guard and the Gumbo-Limbo Nature Center in 2015 in Boca Raton, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Environmental groups say a total of 351 loggerhead sea turtles have been found dead so far this year on the same stretch of Baja California coast where authorities found a total of 137 dead, beached sea lions last week.  

The Mexican Center for Environmental Law and the Center for Biological Diversity said Friday the deaths showed the need for a ban on net and line fishing in the Gulf of Ulloa area off the Pacific coast.

Authorities had previously said the sea lions did not show signs of injuries from getting caught up in fishing nets or lines.

But the activists said that nets are one of the main causes of sea turtle deaths.