A “Harm Reduction” vending machine is now available to NELA residents

MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — On Thursday, August 10, 2023, a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a “Harm Reduction” vending machine took place at Northeast Delta Human Service Authority. According to officials, the vending machine will assist residents who are struggling with addiction or have loved ones who are struggling with addiction.

The machine is the first of its kind in the State of Louisiana, and it provides the following items:

According to reports, the items are available to residents at no cost and residents’ identities will remain anonymous.

This is a tool to empower individuals to regain control of their substance use or misuse, and hopefully begin taking those steps to recovery.

Deron Talley, Public Information Director of Northeast Delta Human Services Authority

The machine is located at 722 Adams Street in Monroe, La., and is available from 8 AM to 3 PM from Monday through Friday. Residents will have unlimited access to the machine and personal code will be provided.

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