After giving blood, 19-year-old passes out while driving, crashes into lake

MARYSVILLE, Calif. (KTXL) — A California teenager was counting her lucky stars Thursday night after she passed out while driving and crashed into a lake.

Mary Robertson donated blood last Friday.

“It was also spring break and my teacher said it was something good to do,” the 19-year-old said.

She said after donating, she felt weak and nearly passed out, so she did what nurses at the blood bank instructed and sat down for a while. She said she soon felt fine.

“They both were busy, and I didn’t want to bother anyone. And I thought I was fine after sitting there for around 45 minutes, so I just left,” Robertson said.

She got into her car and headed home, but while driving, Robertson passed out.

“It felt like I just blinked, and then when I opened my eyes — because someone was yelling at me when I opened my eyes — and I was in the middle of the lake,” she recalled.

The 19-year-old’s car found herself in Ellis Lake and sinking fast.

From the shore, a nearby fisherman started yelling at her to roll down her window. Robertson’s mother, Lacie Robertson, said that probably saved her daughter’s life.

“Yelling, ‘Open your windows, swim out of your car!’” Lacie Robertson said. “And she opened her window and that was probably just before the electronic system stopped working.”

Sutter County sheriff’s divers and a tow truck were able to get the car out of the lake a few days later.

Mary Robertson said she’s grateful she did not hit anyone or anything and that she was able to get out alive.

“I’m just really glad that my window unrolled because if it didn’t, I’d probably be dead right now,” she said.

She added that while she believes giving blood is the right thing to do, she said she hopes others are more careful about driving afterward.

“Even if you think you feel well, just wait an extra 30 minutes,” she warned.

Mary Robertson and her mother have set up a GoFundMe page to help her pay for the damages done to her car.