Alabama prosecutors garnish felons COVID-19 stimulus to pay inmates’ victims


LEE COUNTY, Ala. (WRBL) — The Lee County District Attorney’s Office seeks victim compensation payments from convicted felons who saw stimulus money related to the COVID-19 pandemic deposited into their prison accounts.

“Recently, the District Attorney’s Office became aware Economic Impact Payments had been deposited into the prison accounts of approximately 52 individuals currently serving prison sentences in the Alabama Department of Corrections for crimes committed in Lee County,” said Jessica Ventiere, District Attorney Pro Tem.

The felons had been convicted of crimes including Murder, Violent Sexual Assault, and other various felony convictions. Some of the individuals are serving Life sentences.

“Each of these individuals still owes restitution, court costs, fines, and/or fees. As a result, we have taken action to garnish these inmates’ trust accounts to satisfy the monies owed to victims and the court. Any monies owed to victims will be paid first before any other court fees are satisfied,” said Ventiere.

The District Attorney’s Office says the stimulus payments range from $1200 to $600. The combined amount for the 52 inmates convicted of crimes in Lee County is approximately $30,000.