Any time it rains, Mid-City prepares for it to pour, flood and ruin cars

A soggy Sunday had New Orleans residents concerned for more flooding. The Sewerage and Water Board issued a capacity report yesterday, 10 pumps are still broken. That makes 110 of 120 pumps in working order.

After the floods in August, the residents of Mid-City say they are always paranoid of floods any time it rains now.

Visitors and workers at the Bayou Beer Garden on S. Jeff Davis Pkwy recalled their legs being “hip-deep” in flood water.

“My car is completely totalled, now anytime it rains I immediately run outside and move it to the neutral ground,” said BBG chef, Zach Warrington.

Although there were no severe floods in mid-City this Sunday, residents say they can never be too prepared with the condition of the pumps unclear.