MAGNOLIA, Ark. (KTVE/KARD) – The city of Magnolia is moving forward with the construction of two major projects; Magnolia’s first skateboard park and splash pad.
Magnolia mayor Parnell Vann says there won’t be anything like it in the South of Arkansas.
“This is the biggest thing our city has ever seen or done. We don’t have any finance. Everything has been paid for. We don’t owe anybody, and that’s exciting for us.”
Magnolia city council approved $1.2 million for the construction of both recreational facilities at East Side Park. Vann says funds come from existing city funds.
“This has all been money made or saved over the years. Every chance we got, we put a little money back. I’ve had great city councils over the years that have been Pro-Magnolia, and everytime I brought them a good deal they bought in.
$350,000 will go towards the construction of the skate park. The city recently approved the community’s involvement for its design.
“I was expecting a room full of kids, but we had more thirty plus year olds dads at this meeting, and I was blown away that at that age that they are still skating.”
“I haven’t skated in a long time, and this is a good thing that I like that we have this for the adulthood because we get the opportunity to skate some more,” said Robert, a Magnolia Resident.
Another feature includes a $750,000 splash pad. The 4,500 square-foot pad will be available for people of all ages.
“We can maintain a splash pad for years to come, and a lot of these cities struggle with keeping a pool in operation. This is going to be a 400-gallon of water per minute. We will recycle the water,” explained Vann.
“I honestly feel proud since we don’t have anything. I feel like since we are getting this, I feel like we should get something else in the future afterwards because I feel like it’s going to be great regardless, especially since summertime is coming,” said Kuynan Davis, another resident.
“We need a splash pad because it will be really high,” said another local, BJ.
“I feel like it will bring more peace. I will go to cool down,” said
Pooak, a local.
Other features will include new fences and more security cameras. Vann says the city plans to build a new parking lot on both sides of the splash pad in the near future.
The splash pad is expected to be completed by the end of May, and the skate park by September, 2023.
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